Thursday, February 25, 2021

New Release: The Carboxytherapy Field

Carboxytherapy is used to treat cellulite, dark under-eye circles, and stretch marks. People who undergo the procedure find an improvement in:

  • circulation
  • skin elasticity
  • fine lines and wrinkles

It also aids with collagen repair and the destruction of fatty deposits.

Additionally, it can help reduce under-eye circles by increasing blood flow to the eyelid. Some physicians have also used the therapy to treat erectile dysfunction, acute arthritis, Raynaud’s syndrome, and alopecia caused by poor blood circulation.

For fat and cellulite reduction, the procedure is often preferred over more invasive and high-risk methods, such as liposuction.

Carboxytherapy can be used on the face, eyelids, neck, stomach, arms, legs, and buttocks. Through this audio, you can find improvement with cellulite, stretch marks, bags under eyes, teoneless, tissue, small face wrinkles and localized fat deposits.

26 posts - 14 participants

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

New Release: The Voice of Gamayun (Voice of Prophecy)

The Voice of Gamayun (Voice of Prophecy)

Gamayun is prophetic bird from Polish / Eastern Slavic folklore. She is imagined as large bird with head of a beautiful woman. She was a spreader of divine messages and prophecies to everybody who could hear her. She knew everything about creation of sky and Earth, Gods, heroes, creatures, animals and birds. When she flies from the East, she could bring deadly storms.
This works towards helping to bring these prophetic insights into things important to you or the world around you. By working with gamayun an the principles associated. Easy ideas and important insights may be gleaned. Any ideas or insights experienced world relating please also share here ;)
(footage from Poland)
Many spiritual traditions have a long history of using audio contemplative practices to increase compassion, empathy, and attention, as well as quiet the mind.

6 posts - 5 participants

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine

The Voice of Gamayun (Voice of Prophecy)

Watch on YouTube here: The Voice of Gamayun (Voice of Prophecy)

The Voice of Gamayun (Voice of Prophecy)


The Voice of Gamayun (Voice of Prophecy)


The Voice of Gamayun (Voice of Prophecy)

Gamayun is prophetic bird from Polish / Eastern Slavic folklore. She is imagined as large bird with head of a beautiful woman. She was a spreader of divine messages and prophecies to everybody who could hear her. She knew everything about creation of sky and Earth, Gods, heroes, creatures, animals and birds. When she flies from the East, she could bring deadly storms. This works towards helping to bring these prophetic insights into things important to you or the world around you. By working with gamayun an the principles associated. Easy ideas and important insights may be gleaned. Any ideas or insights experienced world relating please also share here ;) (footage from Poland) Many spiritual traditions have a long history of using audio contemplative practices to increase compassion, empathy, and attention, as well as quiet the mind. Helping, fixing, and serving represent three different ways of seeing life. When you help, you see life as weak. When you fix, you see life as broken. When you serve, you see life as a whole. Fixing and helping may be the work of the ego, and service the work of the soul With a world that is primarily governed by materialism and science, it is very difficult for people to fully grasp the concept of spiritual healing. People are too concerned with making themselves the best if not the most affluent. There is a race for time and wealth, and in all aspects of materialism that most of the time they already forget the need to fill in the gaps within their souls. And with all of the material things and richness that engulf a person, there is still the feeling of dissatisfaction and discontentment for reasons he can vaguely quite point out. It is only on such an event that this person truly realizes his needs for something far beyond the riches or fame; and when he can fully say that he is at peace and truly satisfied with his life. If you live with a lot of stress, anxiety, and the like, your health and well-being may not be in danger today. But where is it going to take you? Stress is an epidemic that is eroding our quality of life, individually and collectively. All at a time when making a shift into a happier and more loving world is a real option. It’s truly a choice. With some simple changes mentioned in dream seeds, you can experience transformational shifts in your life, and touch everyone around you in positive ways. You can also be part of a powerful force that can transform the world. It’s a win-win for everyone! Learn more about how you can change your life today. ★★Subscribe now to experience this transformation 👉👉

Sunday, February 21, 2021

New Release: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Help (and other motor neuron conditions)

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, is a progressive nervous system disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, causing loss of muscle control.
Doctors usually don’t know why ALS occurs. Some cases are inherited.
ALS often begins with muscle twitching and weakness in a limb, or slurred speech. Eventually, ALS affects control of the muscles needed to move, speak, eat and breathe. While there is no commercially available cure for this fatal disease. This here is programmed to help reverse the conditional, using a few different approaches even with the genetic mutations that cause it.
It may help some cases and may not be universal to all cases, but i hope for a speedy reversal of conditions.

Use 3 - 4 times or gauge your own responses with it

6 posts - 6 participants

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine

Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Platelet Rich Plasma2 Bath: New Release

The Platelet Rich Plasma2 Bath

(Platelet Rich Plasma with plasma light) This induces platelet creation and buildup, mainly in bones, muscle, tendons, joint and mildly around the rest of the body and organs. There are a host of benefits to this as it helps release growth factors that stimulate and increase the number of reparative cells your body produces and super charge any recovery.

2 posts - 2 participants

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine

The Dutasterided Scalp: New Release

The Dutasterided Scalp

The dustasterided scalp. The places simulant of the chemical dutasteride topically on the scalp, this helps with hair recovery and reduces the storage and buildup of DHT in the scalp. Guys suffering from specific dht affected male pattern baldness have experienced fast and remarkable results sometimes. (it only targets the scalp, no effects elsewhere on body)

1 post - 1 participant

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine

Enhanced Visual Processing: New Release

Enhanced Visual Processing

This creates and develops the visual processing area and its connections to control areas and memories areas etc etc.

So in effect it helps to rewire your brain to give you control over visual memory. Perhaps you can develop a mild photographic memory from this, staggering HD dreams lol.

the potentials are quite a lot. It uses also electrical stimulation, nerve growth factor and BNDF to drive the growth and connections.

2-3 times per listen, with these i think the results are a lot faster so, be wary of that.

8 posts - 5 participants

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine

Beard Growth Enhanced and Plasmafied: New Release

Beard Growth Enhanced and Plasmafied

A combination of the old beard growth and ‘shiny and revitalized’ hair targeted to beard areas. (while i wrote ‘combination’, it is not the same as old audio, as everything has been reworked from the ground up) (the fields used)

7 posts - 4 participants

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine

Creatine Synthesis: New Release

Creatine Synthesis

Creatine Synthesis, this is natural process in your body, it induces the same function from start to finish in your body, presenting the creatine for your muscle growth and development.

4 posts - 4 participants

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine

Friday, February 19, 2021

New Release - Far-UVc Bergamot and Sandalwood

Original music
Please enjoy this fragrantly crafted auditory experience.
Keeping that environment sanitized and pristine, now in a Bergamot subtly flavored with sandalwood scent.

14 posts - 8 participants

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

New Release: Ear Wax Softener

Earwax is produced by sebaceous and ceruminous glands in the ear canal, which leads from the outer ear to the eardrum. Earwax helps protect the ear by trapping dust and other foreign particles that could filter through and damage the eardrum. Normally, earwax moves toward the opening of the ear and falls out or is washed away, but some people’s ears produce too much wax. This is referred to as excessive earwax or impacted cerumen.

Excessive earwax may impede the passage of sound in the ear canal, causing mild conductive hearing loss, pain in the ear, itchiness, or dizziness.

The process of ear wax softening is called cerumenolysis, here we employ the use of your own body heat and the natural production of hydrogen peroxide to help soften and get that wax softened for your easy removal.
2- 3 times is good start.
use when you need, according to your situations.

1 post - 1 participant

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine

Monday, February 15, 2021

New Release - The Internal Alchemical Crucible

This combines a few processes and techniques to create a new internal alchemy,
It is gathers the impurities and negative thinking the core of your being, and burn it, while transforming and transcending the level basal energies into a clarified nectar for the lake of the mind.
I guess we can call it an internal basal energy transformer, but it also involves the body itself in this process, so it works on physical and energetic.
(an enhanced digestion and processing of internal poisons)
it is an expanded work of
Mula - Uddiyana - Jalandhara bandha with a wider scope of energy drawing for transformation and elements of tummo and internal body processes.

17 posts - 14 participants

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine

The Internal Alchemical Crucible


The Internal Alchemical Crucible

This combines a few processes and techniques to create a new internal alchemy, It is gathers the impurities and negative thinking the core of your being, and burn it, while transforming and transcending the level basal energies into a clarified nectar for the lake of the mind. I guess we can call it an internal basal energy transformer, but it also involves the body itself in this process, so it works on physical and energetic. (an enhanced digestion and processing of internal poisons) it is an expanded work of Mula - Uddiyana - Jalandhara bandha with a wider scope of energy drawing for transformation and elements of tummo and internal body processes. Many spiritual traditions have a long history of using audio contemplative practices to increase compassion, empathy, and attention, as well as quiet the mind. Helping, fixing, and serving represent three different ways of seeing life. When you help, you see life as weak. When you fix, you see life as broken. When you serve, you see life as a whole. Fixing and helping may be the work of the ego, and service the work of the soul With a world that is primarily governed by materialism and science, it is very difficult for people to fully grasp the concept of spiritual healing. People are too concerned with making themselves the best if not the most affluent. There is a race for time and wealth, and in all aspects of materialism that most of the time they already forget the need to fill in the gaps within their souls. And with all of the material things and richness that engulf a person, there is still the feeling of dissatisfaction and discontentment for reasons he can vaguely quite point out. It is only on such an event that this person truly realizes his needs for something far beyond the riches or fame; and when he can fully say that he is at peace and truly satisfied with his life. If you live with a lot of stress, anxiety, and the like, your health and well-being may not be in danger today. But where is it going to take you? Stress is an epidemic that is eroding our quality of life, individually and collectively. All at a time when making a shift into a happier and more loving world is a real option. It’s truly a choice. With some simple changes mentioned in dream seeds, you can experience transformational shifts in your life, and touch everyone around you in positive ways. You can also be part of a powerful force that can transform the world. It’s a win-win for everyone! Learn more about how you can change your life today. ★★Subscribe now to experience this transformation 👉👉

The Internal Alchemical Crucible

Watch on YouTube here: The Internal Alchemical Crucible

The Internal Alchemical Crucible


New Release: Nothing Frivolous Bout it

New album.

Most are pretty much self explanatory, but i will come back after the album itself is released and update the descriptions.

The Platelet Rich Plasma² Bath
The Dutasterided Scalp
Beard Growth Enhanced and Plasmafied
Creatine Synthesis
Enhanced Visual Processing

44 posts - 18 participants

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine

Friday, February 12, 2021

The Air Revitalizer: New Release

The Air Revitalizer

This is an attempt to create negentropic negative ions in the air around you, with subtle hints of rosemary and eucalyptus. Enjoy this soundscape journey into world of revitalized air.

7 posts - 3 participants

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine

New Release - The Air Revitalizer

The Air Revitalizer - YouTube

This is an attempt to create negentropic negative ions in the air around you, with subtle hints of rosemary and eucalyptus.
Enjoy this soundscape journey into the world of revitalized air.

3 posts - 2 participants

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

(GABA)Gamma-Amin0butyric Acid (Extra Strength)

"Gamma-Aminobutyric acid, or γ-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, is the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter in the developmentally mature mammalian central nervous system. Its principal role is reducing neuronal excitability throughout the nervous system. GABA is sold as a dietary supplement in many countries.

This is used for a number of reasons and has many benefits, and of course use within safe limits.

I would say 3 listens would be a heavy dose.

Be sure to know the advantages and disadvantages of using it."

5 posts - 5 participants

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine

The Deep Sleeper: New Release

This is an upgraded version of “FAST WORKING DEEP SLEEP MUSIC”
which used melatonin and a few other effects, added to this is also an Orexin receptor antagonist, mild GABA effects and then some minor effects from the ‘Sweet Dreams 7 hours +’ audio.
Crafted in a way to give you a very fast effect, you should play it two or three times or at least take it before you go sleep as you may have difficultly waking up properly if used on a loop.

10 posts - 7 participants

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The Archetype of Parental Love

What if you were completely and properly loved, nurtured and encouraged to be the best we ultimately can be.
Wouldn’t we have more potential to do a lot more things in the present moment as more aspects of our being would have grown.
What if you were actually able to do that? get that life long support.
This is not meant to substitute or replace the real work a parent tries to do.
This is meant to provide an addition and enhancing to get the potential of the best you possible, it may even heal mental states or let you feel that powerful and strong support deep in the depths of your being.

9 posts - 9 participants

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine

The Archetype of Parental Love


The Archetype of Parental Love


The Archetype of Parental Love

What if you were completely and properly loved, nurtured and encouraged to be the best we ultimately can be. Wouldn't we have more potential to do a lot more things in the present moment as more aspects of our being would have grown. What if you were actually able to do that? get that life long support. This is not meant to substitute or replace the real work a parent tries to do. This is meant to provide an addition and enhancing to get the potential of the best you possible, it may even heal mental states or let you feel that powerful and strong support deep in the depths of your being. This audios are made to work also with contemplative practices. These are activities that guide you to direct your attention to a specific focus—often an inward-looking reflection or concentration on a specific sensation or concept. Many spiritual traditions have a long history of using contemplative practices to increase compassion, empathy, and attention, as well as quiet the mind.

The Archetype of Parental Love

Watch on YouTube here: The Archetype of Parental Love

New Release - Hydrogen Accumulation + Fission

This is a mellow meditative track, about 13 mins long, mellow ambience with background birds.
Contemplate on the benefits of Hydrogen therapy as you enjoy this track.
Molecular hydrogen is the smallest molecule in the world, but don’t let its size fool you, molecular hydrogen or H2 can be noted as one of the most potent antioxidants available to us. Being the very first element, hydrogen has been a part of evolution from the origins of the universe. The use of molecular hydrogen to support health has been well studied in both clinical trials and animal studies with some recent studies on many topics of interest. The multidimensional benefits of hydrogen have shown to influence detoxification pathways, brain health, healthy aging and longevity, influence post exercise recovery as well as have an exercise mimicking effect on the body.
(description from quicksilverscientific. )
Allow these effects to wash over you and help you on your journey of health and wellness.

This audios are made to work also with contemplative practices. These are activities that guide you to direct your attention to a specific focus—often an inward-looking reflection or concentration on a specific sensation or concept. Many spiritual traditions have a long history of using contemplative practices to increase compassion, empathy, and attention, as well as quiet the mind.

6 posts - 6 participants

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine