Friday, July 2, 2021

A Twitch in Time - Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers - ACTN3 Gene Activation

A Twitch in Time - Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers - ACTN3 Gene Activation
A Twitch in Time - Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers - ACTN3 Gene Activation A Twitch in Time by Sapien Medicine The ACTN3 gene encodes the alpha-actinin-3 protein which is present in fast-twitch muscle fibers. These types of skeletal muscle are responsible for generating force at high velocity. There is a variant form of the ACTN3 gene which has a single base substitution in the DNA and is referred to as R577X. (google knowledge base) This uses the RNA to create the mutant version of the protein in abundance in all your muscle and a lot more than that to make it all work. Not an actual genetic change. But a change that can last a while. ACTN3, which has commonly been referred to as “a gene for speed” and found mostly in fast twitch fibers II. Recent research has examined the influence of this gene on other performance phenotypes, including exercise adaptation, exercise recovery, and sporting injury risk. In particular, the R allele of a common polymorphism (R577X) is associated with enhanced improvements in strength, protection from eccentric training-induced muscle damage, and sports injury. This illustrates that ACTN3 is more than just a gene for speed, with potentially wide-ranging influence on muscle function. (NCBI sourced) Also see: Muscle Beyond Limits - Muscle Hyperplasia ANDROGEN RECEPTOR DIRECT STIMULATION A Twitch in Time - Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers - ACTN3 Gene Activation
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