Saturday, June 5, 2021

New Release: Brain and Spine Antioxidant Complex

This Sapien Medicine (Legendary) album release contains

  1. Brain and Spine Antioxidant Complex
  2. Auto Immune Reversal
  3. Jade Maneki-Neko Energy
  4. The Mana Circuits
    (Find the rest on steaming media)

This works towards providing a means to reduce inflammation in brain o to help reduce the severity of any brain and spine related conditions by providing a unique combination of antioxidants, the approach is to provide a measure of natural antioxidants (catalase targeted to mitochondria and induced ALA), Induced Glutathione and AMPK production and a collection of excess hydrogen through your normal respiration to accumulate it around your brain and spine, these provide a host of benefits that will work in a very synergetic manner to provide the proper environmental conditions for a gentle healing and reduction in inflammation. Also added is an induced production of vitamin C to all related areas.

2-3 times or as needed.

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine

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