Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Iron Gullet (Gastrointestinal Inflammation Help) - Gastrointestinal Disorders Treatment

The Iron Gullet (Gastrointestinal Inflammation Help) - Gastrointestinal Disorders Treatment
The Iron Gullet (Gastrointestinal Inflammation Help) - Gastrointestinal Disorders Treatment GET IT HERE - The Iron Gullet (Gastrointestinal Inflammation Help) By Sapien Medicine This is created with a very large combination of fields and effects, all designed to treat a large amount of stomach and intestine conditions. Firstly it helps provide a means to reduce inflammation in the stomach, esophagus, and intestines by providing a unique combination of antioxidants, the approach is to provide a measure of natural antioxidants (catalase targeted to mitochondria and induced ALA), Induced Glutathione and AMPK production and a collection of excess hydrogen through your normal respiration to accumulate it around your brain and spine, these provide a host of benefits that will work in a very synergetic manner to provide the proper environmental conditions for a gentle healing and reduction in inflammation. Also added is an induced production of vitamin C to all related areas. Second a specific targeting of the areas mentioned above with the Auto immune reversal field This works in two main ways, the problematic areas for auto immune conditions are sought out following the inflammation markers etc. Existing Immune cells are induced to relax in their programming to become a multipotent cell which will then work on healing the area it was once attacking (localized areas) Then the existing Tregs in the area are induced to produce their localized suppressive functions. As the name suggests regulatory T cells (also called Tregs) are T cells which have a role in regulating or suppressing other cells in the immune system. Tregs control the immune response to self and foreign particles (antigens) and help prevent autoimmune disease. Tregs suppress activation, proliferation and cytokine production of CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells, and are thought to suppress B cells and dendritic cells. Tregs can produce soluble messengers which have a suppressive function, ( TGF-beta, IL-10 and adenosine). In this way in works in two ways to provide a faster relief and then a long term reduction and hopefully removal of symptoms. (Specific to stomach, esophagus, and intestines ) Induced production of extracellular vesicles (nutrient rich) to provide a means of creating a delivery mechanism which should be capable of enhancing tissue regeneration. also included a speeded regeneration field and scar tissue removal. 2-3 times per use or as needed. (Well seasoned with negentropy) The Iron Gullet (Gastrointestinal Inflammation Help) - Gastrointestinal Disorders Treatment
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