Thursday, June 3, 2021

The Sword of Glory (1 Time Limited Collector's Item )

The Sword of Glory

For ages, the sword has stood as a symbol of strength. The sword was the tool that would carry the warrior’s will to glory in the battlefield. The Sword of Glory can carry your will to achieve anything in this game we call life.

The Gladius sword was wielded by the legions of Rome who swept through much of the world during their reign. Their confidence was exalted by the many victories that would define the eminence of the Roman Empire. The Sword of Glory carries with it the confidence and respect as experienced by many victorious Roman generals and soldiers. A confidence to break through any barrier and achieve all that is possible in this world. Infuse yourself with this and limiting beliefs turn to ash like the city of Pompeii.

But how does one wield confidence and glory with this sword? As one would with an object of divine magnificence. Wherever you point the sword, be it the Sun or Mount Olympus, The Sword of Glory will draw in energy from the source into your being. The energy being drawn in is patterned with a divine form of Glory that infuses into your body as light would fill all the crevices of one’s shadow. Point long enough and you will become glorious and illuminated with the ability to wield this energy properly. And then the real magic happens.

Speak your intention into existence. Will it into existence. Set your goal on the table and make it heard to every cell, every bone, every spec of energy in your body. While embracing the flames of glory sizzling in all your being, feel that you have achieved your goal. Feel it. Breathe it. Be it.

And then set your sword down and begin your task. The energy within you is awake and bursting through any walls that may limit you from achieving your task. Your intention will also influence reality to pull success into the present moment. So set yourself to action, for the glorious energy and confidence infused within you will carry you to victory.

This is divine power to be wielded and accomplish great feats with. If you are serious about accomplishing goals, then this sword would fit well in your hands. I believe it best to plan out your path and set small goals that lead to accomplishing the overall bigger one. This way you conquer all paths leading to Rome rather than try to conquer all of Rome in one day.

The Sword of Glory may only belong to the hands of one brave man or woman. Who shall claim it today?

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine

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