Saturday, June 5, 2021

New Release: The Mana Circuits (Super Charged)

This Sapien Medicine (Legendary) album release contains

  1. Brain and Spine Antioxidant Complex
  2. Auto Immune Reversal
  3. Jade Maneki-Neko Energy
  4. The Mana Circuits
    (Find the rest on steaming media)

This uses the concepts of the previous A Taste of Mana video and builds on that concept, it uses the same energies in the previous video, but now targeted to your entire meridian system. It will work on strengthening and reinforcing this system, while also removing any impediments to the natural flow. Your meridians as it grows accustomed to this energy, will be able to use this energy to enhance its functions or even allow you better energy related functions. Use 2-3 times, you can increase over time of course.

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Via New Release - Sapien Medicine

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