Sunday, June 20, 2021

The Orgone Accumulator

Originally based of George Van Tassel's work on the Integratron, with our experiments the best we can gather from the functions is that it is more of an electrical charge to the body, or restorative charge. Restorative in that it enhances cellular functions. What is the actual Integratron? It's a circular, wooden, two-story, hemispherical umbrella dome structure built by George Van Tassel near Landers starting in 1958. Its primary purpose was as a life extension machine, but Van Tassel thought it might be able to undertake time travel and antigravity experiences. The main problem being, he never finished it. The area is used for sound therapy with the new owners now. (and i assume they own the rights and name etc) This simulant is designed to create similar functions as the device but presented as an orgone accumulator. Which when used by William Reich, the claim was, Patients would sit inside the accumulator and absorb orgone energy through their skin and lungs. The accumulator had a healthy effect on blood and body tissue by improving the flow of life-energy and by releasing energy-blocks. Use 2 - 3 times, do not overuse, there is a function that prevents overcharging as well, so as to not produce any detrimental effects from overuse. The -25 -50 millivolts based on Dr Tennant gets a more directed charge to the cells, it a whole different thing and approach. ( ). You can join the discussions, reviews, complaints, banter about it here

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